Course Features
- Lecture 0
- Quiz 0
- Duration 8 hours
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English
- Students 17
- Assessments Yes
RYA FIRST AID Our one-day course covers all the main first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who...
SECURITY AWARENESS (STCW 95/2010) To provide knowledge required to enable personnel without designated security duties in connection with a Ship Security Plan (SSP).
FIRE PREVENTION & FIRE FIGHTING (STCW 95/2010) To ensure that students are fully conversant with the correct procedures in basic fire fighting techniques.
PERSONAL SURVIVAL TECHNIQUES (STCW 95/2010) To train persons involved in Maritime Emergency situation utilizing Life Saving equipment available. Demonstrate competence.
PERSONAL SAFETY & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES (PSSR) (STCW 95/2010) To ensure that students are fully conversant and competent to the standard of STCW code and...
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